Accessibility during the holidays

On December 31st and January 1st, we will not be accepting reservations (pre-bookings) for rides between 22:00 and 02:00. This helps us to remain flexible during these busy hours. Do you still want to book a ride? Feel free to contact our central office or use one of our handy tools. We will do our best to help you as soon as possible.
We wish you very happy holidays!

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Call us

The over 800 independent drivers are supported by more our colleagues at our office on Wisseloordplein.

Taxi base

Our colleagues at the base take calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Not only do they make sure that every caller gets a taxi, they can also provide you with a quote, help you with a booking or make sure you are reunited with your lost items. Because every taxi ride is recorded down to the minute, lost items almost always surface again.

Quality Management

The Quality Management department, for example, monitors the quality of our services and ensures that the vehicle fleet is always in perfect condition. This department also handles complaints.

Customised Transport

The Customised Transport department takes care of all the tailor-made rides. If, for example, you would like to take 100 people from a theatre to a restaurant and then back to a hotel, this department will take care of it all – down to the last detail. Would you prefer to use your own driver, for example when you’re out and about all day with your Board of Directors? No problem at all.

Other departments

Our colleagues from Marketing & Communication and Sales also work at TCA’s office. They ensure that TCA keeps its good reputation and that more and more (big) customers are able to find TCA.Finally, the Administration department handles all administrative matters: from payments to invoices for TCA’s regular customers.
The HR department takes care of all personnel matters and the Operations department ensures that everything is perfectly streamlined and that all departments and drivers can perform their work optimally on a daily basis.

  • General
    +31 (0)20 777 7777
  • Switchboard
    +31 (0)20 777 7777
  • Marketing
    +31 (0)20 650 6506
  • Sales
    +31 (0)20 650 6506
  • Corporate support
    +31 (0)20 650 6528
  • Complaints
    0800 777 7777 or 020-6506500
  • Administration
    +31 (0)20 650 6545